Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Sahara Desert

Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to see and “touch” the desert. Just imagine the massive sandblocks everywhere! It’s like a giant sandpit. I'm so fascinated by deserts and every time I see a picture of a desert, I feel inspired and excited. In a book called The Alchemist, the author Paulo Cahelo describes the desert like an old wise lady. And ever since i've read the book, I have always considered the desert as an “old wise lady”. There’s something so magical about the desert. It’s like it’s filled with secrets ready to be explored. Most people I talk to are very sceptical by the thought of traveling to the Sahara. Their response is always something like; “ Ehh... Why would I go there of all the places in the world? I will probably just get bitten by a scorpion or something”. That sounds so ignorant if you ask me. It's one of the world most fascinating places, in my opinion.
I hope that one day InshaAllah, I will get the opportunity to travel to the Sahara desert.

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