Sunday, February 21, 2010

Thought Alarm

A couple a days ago, I came across this video on YouTube. It is a nasheed about death, in Arabic but with English subtitles. It really puts things in perspective (well, at least it did for me)...We’re so caught up with our daily lives all the time, that we sometimes forget what the REAL purpose for us being on this earth is...I mean what is our education or job going to do for us when we’re dead? We’re so caught up with making money all the time, when in fact we should be more concerned about our prayers. I deeply recommend everyone to watch this video, and I hope it will be beneficial :)

Here is the link to the video;


1 comment:

  1. assalamualiekum sis..mashaAllah great blog..keep up the good work...May Allah swt reward for it...
    n i watchd this nasheed b4 n i luv this does make u think about life n death..n we SHOULD be thinking about the here after after death more often bcoz it helps us to follow our deen better..n stay away from haraam



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