Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Will I Make it?

For a long time now I have been writing poems to let whatever feeling in me out. I know it sounds kind of crazy, but these poems mean so much to me. So I think I will be sharing one of my poems with the world to night..haha…if somebody even knows about this blog…but lets not go there. I hope this particular poem may have some affect on someone, it is a very uplifting spirit poem. Whenever I meet negative people that tell me I CAN*T do what I want to, I read this poem to myself…weird I know..But then again what is normal?

Here's the poem ;)

I look up to the sky
And wonder why
People’s sayings matter to me
Leaves turning yellow
And I feel so damn mellow
Why do I care?
I am me, and me is wonderful
I shall make myself rise up to the sky
And when I reach the top
And will stay there and fly around forever
And peoples saying will no longer matter.
People only want what’s bad for me
But it is me, who’s going to show them
How hard I work and with the help of Allah Subhana Wa Tala
I am capable of achieving anything
So just stop your sayings
It doesn’t matter to me
I am strong and you can never take my hopes and dreams away just because you want it for yourself
I am strong
I am determinated
I am ME.


  1. Asalamu Alaykum, It is really touching, sensitive and motivating. Jazak Allah Kheir

  2. Salaam sister-
    wow so beautiful. MashaAllah. You have such a natural way with words. Keep it up.



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